The MQTT consumer API to access Eleon S1 provided elevator information and states
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
Holds the meta information for the installation location of the Eleon S1 device identified by {eleonId}.
An info object holding the meta information available for the associated eleon S1 device
"manufacturerName": "Schindler",
"controllerName": "MCS LCB_II",
"driver": "lcb2",
"doorType": "Automatic",
"floorInfo": {
"groundFloor": 3,
"floorCount": 10
"fabricationNumber": "EGX85103453423",
"address": {
"country": "Germany",
"zipCode": 50671,
"city": "Cologne",
"street": "Im Zollhafen",
"streetNumber": 21
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
Holds the information if the Eleon S1 device identified by {eleonId} is (still) connected to the controller.
A payload object holding an integer value
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"value": true
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
Holds the current floor position of the elevator the eleon S1 identified by {eleonId} is installed in as an index counting from 1 as the lowest floor (compare).
A payload object holding an integer value
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"value": 0
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
Holds the current floor position of the elevator the eleon S1 identified by {eleonId} is installed in as a number relative to the ground floor as 0 (compare).
A payload object holding an integer value
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"value": 0
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
Holds the information if the elevator the eleon S1 identified by {eleonId} is installed in is currently moving.
A payload object holding an integer value
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"value": true
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
A message showing the current door state of the door identified by {doorId} of the elevator car the eleon S1 identified by {eleonId} is installed in.
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"value": 0
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
Holds the information if the safety chain of elevator the eleon S1 identified by {eleonId} is installed in is currently closed.
A payload object holding an integer value
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"value": true
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
A message holding the error information state of the elevator the eleon S1 identified by {eleonId} is installed in.
A payload object describing an error state
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"code": 304,
"name": "E_DOOR KSKB",
"description": "The door could not be closed due to a mechanical blockage",
"severity": 3
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
A message holding information about the status of the elevator the eleon S1 identified by {eleonId} is installed in.
A payload object describing an elevator state
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"code": "DLM",
"description": "Door Lock Monitoring",
"severity": 2
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
Holds the amount of stops of the elevator the eleon S1 identified by {eleonId} is installed in stopped at the floor identified by {absoluteFloorNumber}. Where floor number is an index counting from 1 as the lowest floor.
A payload object holding an unsigned integer value
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"value": 0
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
Holds the amount of stops of the elevator the eleon S1 identified by {eleonId} is installed in stopped at the floor identified by {relativeFloorNumber}. Where floor number is an number relative to the ground floor.
A payload object holding an unsigned integer value
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"value": 0
Available only on servers:
Accepts the following message:
Holds the amount of rides the elevator the eleon S1 identified by {eleonId} is installed in performed.
A payload object holding an unsigned integer value
"timestamp": 1719394510,
"value": 0
An integer value describing a floor relative to a ground floor identified by 0. This means sublevels are negative values, levels above ground floor are positive.
An integer value describing a floor as a one based index. Where 1 ist the lowest floor in the building
An info object holding the meta information available for the associated eleon S1 device
A payload object holding an integer value
A payload object holding an unsigned integer value
The available door states
A payload object holding an integer value
A payload object describing an error state
A payload object describing an elevator state
A base data structure for timestamped payloads